The Reversal Story

When we had Andy, I had a traumatic experience, and was given bad advice.  We were encouraged to not have any more children by a well meaning nurse.  In the moments of fear and new parenthood, we made a permanent decision. 

A decision that we later would reverse.  There are a lot of questions about reversal.  It was quite the experience for us, but Dr. Leverett in Texas, was a true blessing.  His skill and care for John was amazing.  Although we almost lost hope.

A reversal that does not yield in a pregnancy for two years is seen as a failure.  Three years after ours, I had Grace.  She was the biggest surprise and such a great gift.  As it turned out, I have PCOS, and it wasn't the reversal that had failed.  My body had issues, and the doctors told me we would never have any more biological children.  So, having Grace was truly a miracle.  Her pregnancy was a breeze, I exercised and even walked 21 miles the week of her birth.  However, I came down with a mysterious infection, had a horrible fever, and her birth was traumatic.  My body didn't respond to some of the most powerful antibiotics, and I spent two days shivering, sweating, and teetering in the unknown. 

Thankfully, on the third day, I turned a corner.  We came home, Grace was and is absolutely healthy, and such a joy to have in our home.  Her older siblings dote on her, even still, and she has been a blessing to our Anna.  She pushes Anna to play imaginatively, she loves on Anna, and tells Anna that they are best friends.  And they are.

When Grace was 13 months old, we found out we were expecting again!

Say What?!

Yes, my never going to have another baby self was indeed having a second baby.  The pregnancy was a breeze, I exercise the whole pregnancy all the way to the last day.  At 39 weeks, I was attempting a vba2c.  I wanted a natural birth so desperately, and was a good candidate.  However, I had the thing that all doctors fear happen, I ruptured. 

We were saved though, and Zeke was born into our family, making it all the more lively.  He is a healthy little fellow, with the biggest sense of humor I have ever seen.  At 14 months old, he plays jokes on people, mimics and laughs, and is just the funniest.  He loves his siblings, and truly is such a blessing to us.  Zeke was and is our last biological child.

 I am forever grateful for a successful reversal.  The decision we made, and the sacrifice of my husband, has been such a great blessing to our family.

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