Second Adoption (In the Works)

Knowing that Zeke was to be our last biological child, and that we could pursue an adoption without having to put it on hold due to pregnancy, we have decided to answer the call again.  Some people criticize referring to it as "the call" but as Christians, we feel commanded to take care of the orphans and widows...and yes, we do take care of the widows as well. 

We have experience as adoptive parents, we know the struggles we could and probably will face, and we know that we can love a child not biologically ours.  There are so many orphans in our world, each of them matter, it does not matter where they are, none are more deserving than others of a family.  So, this time, we are adopting from Africa.  It was not our original intent, as I had inquired about adopting from American foster care again.  Oddly enough, even though we have experience as parents now (something we didn't have a lot of the first time), now our family isn't what social workers are looking for.  Apparently, older parents with no children or older teens are what is desirable.  I'm sad about that, as I've watched a sibling group in one state grow up over the years through photos on a waiting child website.  That is heartbreaking to me.

However, we believe that all orphans are worthy and deserving of a loving family to help them heal and grow.  So, while contacting an agency about a child in one country, we were told about a child in Africa.  She is in need of a family who can love her, and one that can help her throughout her life with the care she will need due to her special needs.  We feel that we can be that family.

I was told that the majority of people who adopt are looking to adopt a child age 0-2, female, and healthy.  That leaves a lot of orphans out there without families.  If you feel that you could adequately parent, advocate for, and love a child with special needs, feel free to contact me.  I would love to help.

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